
  • The Future is a Connected World

    Is your business ready?

  • Rapidly manage and update firmware

    Consolidated Firmware Catalog with Firmware-Over-the-Air Process

  • Monitor quality on the factory floor

    Cloud-based Manufacturer Testing Framework

Meet the best IoT Device Management Platform

Easily connect any device, over any protocol, to any cloud or on-premise data center


System agnostic at the edge, cloud and connectivity – public, private, hybrid


Open Source with power of global community, giving you flexibility and control long-term for your business, reducing total cost of ownership and improving ROI


From a few to millions of connected devices deployed globally


Built into the platform at the edge and cloud for secured device provisioning and management


Accelerate time to market and reduce risk with out-of-the-box features, SaaS hosting and enterprise support


Matured software platform deployed live today for many production customers globally

Platform Technology


Fast track Edge development with certified hardware, intelligent plug-and-play software, powerful software development kits (SDK) and wide support of data protocols


Optimized C-SDK supports microcontrollers (MCU) by major silicon manufacturers from ultra-low-power 8-bit to powerful 32-bit ARM Cortex


Powerful plug-and-play gateway software supports Linux and Windows and is certified with hardware from major vendors


BLE, Zigbee, Z-Wave, Modbus, LoRa, UDP, MQTT, UVC, CPIO, UART and more


Production-Ready, Feature-Rich and Extensible Gateway IoT solution for mobile devices - iOS, Android


Accelerate IoT solution development with powerful IoT cloud platform providing multi-tenancy at its core, device management and firmware-over-the-air update.  Designed from the ground up to support complex use-cases such as OEM and CSP custom solutions

Tenant Management

Hierarchical multi-tenancy, multi-subscriptions, multi-applications, Single Sign-On (SSO), Role-based Access Control (RBAC)

Device Management

Device provisioning, key management, configuration back-up and restore, grouping and hierarchy, command and control, digital twins, rule engines, monitoring and alerts, and much more

Data Ingestion

Separation of data and control plane allows options to leverage built-in platform fast data ingestion, rule processing, data indexing and storage or directly stream data to Azure IoT Hub, AWS IoT, IBM Watson IoT or your own data system

Firmware Catalog & Management

Consolidated firmware catalog with detailed compatibility matrix. Intelligent and automated firmware management process simplifies significantly secured firmware update tasks in large scale deployment

Manufacturer Testing Framework

Integrated cloud-based quality control solution directly on the factory floor


The only IoT Platform that provides the most deployment options for IoT solutions

Container Ready

Kubernetes, DC/OS, Docker Compose

Flexible Deployment Options

Public, private, hybrid clouds and on-premise. Open source self-hosting, managed hosting, SaaS subscription

Global Scale

Distributed architecture to support global deployment spanning multiple cloud providers and network regions


Data encapsulation, distributed services, high availability, resilient architecture

Developer Resources

Free Developer Account


Developer Hub


Platform API


Project Moonstone

Konexios Platform is powered by the Open Source Project Moonstone originally developed by Arrow Electronics as a commercial product offering called Arrow Connect.  Moonstone codebase and documentation are hosted in Github and managed by Konexios, Inc.

GitHub Repository


Sandbox Deployment
